Cova d’en Daina

The Ampurdan region is the main area in Catalonia with megalithic monuments. Usually located on top of a ridge with good views, these ancient burial remains are preserved  virtually intact and are a testimony of a past even before the romanization. Today we visit the most famous one on the Costa Brava, the Cova d’en Daina, in the middle of Gavarres mountains.

La Cova d'en Daina, en Romanyà de la Selva, Girona, Costa Brava

Cova d'en Daina, in Romanyà de la Selva, Girona, Costa Brava, Spain

Reaching Romanyà de la Selva is simple, since taking the road linking Llagostera with Santa Cristina d’Aro, we just have to take the good state road to the left that indicates Romanyà de la Selva village direction, up into the mountains. The monument is located about 650 meters from the center of town, in whose cemetery, by the way, is buried one of the writers of Catalan literature more universal Rodoreda, author of Diamond Plaza.

Imagen panorámica de la Cova d'en Daine, uno de los monumentos megalíticos más importantes de Catalunya

Scenic view of Cova d'en Daina, one of the most important monuments in Catalonia

The megalithic site is protected by a cromlech, a series of granite stones arranged in a ring of 11 meters in diameter surrounding the monument. The dolmen itself is 7.60 meters long by 1.70 wide. Its height is 1.50 meters.

Sepulcro de la Cova d'en Daina, en Romanyà de la Selva

Cova d'en Daina megalith, in Romanyà de la Selva

Already during the XIXth century the former owner of the land began to investigate its contents, but it was in 1957 when excavations made by Cruañas revealed bones, teeth, about 7 arrowheads made with silex, collars pieces, fragments of knife and ceramic remains.

Las excavaciones arqueológicos practicadas en el interior del monumento han revelado importantes restos

Archeological excavations, realised inside the monument, revealed important findings

The complex was declared a National Monument in 1931, and both by the appearance and by the nice location where it is (in the middle of a nice forest) family visit is interesting to discover an ancient relic open and available to everyone.

Interior del Dolmen de la Cova d'en Daina

Interior of the dolmen Cova d'en Daina, Romanyà de la Selva, Costa Brava


Post Author

This post was written by Alex Rigola who has written 60 posts on Costa Brava Blog.

Alex Rigola is Costa Brava's editor and an ampurdan passionated who enjoys sailing his little boat through the Costa Brava coast. He currently lives in Pals and if you use to ride along cycling routes in the area, it's very likely that you encounter him at some point. When asked about his favorite spot on the Costa Brava he never hesitates for a moment: Cala Montjoi.

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